How Faster Cardio Help You to Lose Weight

How Faster Cardio Help You to Lose Weight

Naorem Lama -

02 Jul, 2024

When you hear cardio, you may feel that sweat dripping off your forehead as you run as you walk on lunch break and running on treadmill. When you are looking to lose weight for free, both will work for you in the end.

When it comes to cardiovascular exercises, they are known as aerobic exercises that can be done with oxygen. These types of exercises not only require controlled breathing but also are used for large groups of muscles.

While these exercises will keep it in an aerobic zone for a set amount of time, there will increase in your heart rate. When you are looking to lose wright for free, there are several cardio exercises like swimming, jogging walking and cycling that can help you to lose weight.

When you are not sure about how cardio can help you to reach your goal, you may use a counting app. It is vital that you should perform strength training activities that should involve all group of muscles.

Faster Cardio, or fasted cardio, involves performing cardiovascular exercise on an empty stomach, usually in the morning after an overnight fast. Here are some ways it can help with weight loss:

Increased Fat Burning: With lower insulin levels after fasting, your body may be more likely to use stored fat for energy, potentially increasing fat oxidation during exercise.

Improved Metabolism: Fasted cardio might increase your metabolic rate, helping you burn more calories throughout the day.

Hormonal Benefits: Exercising in a fasted state may enhance the production of certain hormones, like norepinephrine, which can boost fat burning.

Appetite Control: Some people find that fasted cardio helps regulate their appetite, making it easier to stick to a calorie deficit.

Caloric Deficit: Performing cardio in the morning can kickstart your day with a calorie-burning activity, contributing to the overall caloric deficit needed for weight loss.

However, it's essential to consider that:

Energy Levels: Some people might feel less energetic or perform at a lower intensity when exercising on an empty stomach

Muscle Loss: There's a risk of muscle catabolism (breakdown) if the body uses muscle protein for energy, so it's crucial to balance with adequate protein intake.

Individual Response: The effectiveness of fasted cardio can vary from person to person. Some may see significant benefits, while others might not notice a difference compared to fed-state cardio.

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